Aug 21, 2021 | Accessories, Agricultural, Commercial, Exposed Fastener, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Hidden Fastener, Industrial, Metal Roofing, Panels, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Storage, Structure
Source: NRCA – National Roofing Contractors AllianceWritten by: Mark S. Graham, NRCA VP of Technical Services Roof system designers must consider minimizing corrosion potential among dissimilar metals When two dissimilar metals come in contact, such as when metal...
Jun 12, 2021 | Accessories, Agricultural, Commercial, Exposed Fastener, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Hidden Fastener, Industrial, Metal Roofing, Panels, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Storage, Structure
ny surface that encounters the outdoors is subject to dirt, dust, mildew, sun, rain, wind, and event snow. These elements are always going to have some effect on surfaces, even at the smallest level. To maintain a great looking property, a little steel roofing...
Aug 23, 2020 | Concord, Hidden Fastener, Lexington, Metal Roofing, Snow Guard, Standing Seam Roofing
Design Your Standing Seam Roof Now When designing a standing seam roof system for your structure, there are several conversations and concepts up for discussion that need to be put into consideration. This includes, but is not limited to: oil canning, style of panel,...
Feb 9, 2019 | Commercial, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Metal Roofing, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Structure, Ventilation
3 Reasons Why Good Attic Ventilation is Important for Any Building When it comes to roofing, regardless of whether it’s steel or shingles, residential or commercial, the air circulation underneath the roof is just as important as the outside surface of the roof. Here...