Aug 4, 2022 | Uncategorized, Agricultural, Commercial, Exposed Fastener, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Hidden Fastener, Industrial, Metal Roofing, Panels, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Storage, Structure
When it comes to any type of roofing, two of the most important, but yet hidden factors, are ventilating and insulating. A great looking roof can be seen from a building’s outside, but you can’t see the insulation, and of course won’t see the airflow inside....
Jun 15, 2022 | Uncategorized, Agricultural, Commercial, Exposed Fastener, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Hidden Fastener, Industrial, Metal Roofing, Panels, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Storage, Structure
You’ve likely heard that holding on to a metal pole during a thunderstorm isn’t a great idea. Yes, metal does conduct electricity. However, when it comes to attracting lightning, research has proven that metal roofing is no more likely than any other type of roofing...