Oct 11, 2022 | Metal Roofing, 1-1/4 Corrugated, 2-1/2 Corrugated, Accessories, Agricultural, Commercial, Concord, Eagle Pro, Enterprise, Exposed Fastener, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Hidden Fastener, Industrial, Lexington, Panel Max, Panels, PBR Panel, R-Panel, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Storage, Structure
So much time is spent on the panels themselves when discussing a metal roof or siding for a building, but an overlooked topic might be the system’s fastener screws. Whether it’s a residential, commercial, storage or an agricultural building, many factors must...
Sep 15, 2022 | Metal Roofing, 1-1/4 Corrugated, 2-1/2 Corrugated, Agricultural, Commercial, Concord, Eagle Pro, Enterprise, Exposed Fastener, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Hidden Fastener, Industrial, Lexington, Panel Max, Panels, PBR Panel, R-Panel, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Storage, Structure
Homeowners may question the cost of installing a metal roof when it’s time to replace those old worn out asphalt shingles. First they are going to need to know the difference between standing seam and exposed fastener system, in order to understand the cost...
May 6, 2022 | Metal Roofing, Agricultural, Commercial, Concord, Eagle Pro, Enterprise, Exposed Fastener, Exposed Fastener Roofing, Hidden Fastener, Lexington, Panels, Residential, Standing Seam Roofing, Storage, Structure
When you’re thinking about installing a metal roof on your property, there are a number of factors to consider. Installation and material costs, maintenance costs, curb appeal appearance, weather conditions, plus attic ventilation are some of those that are at the...